R.I.P. Harry Hains

Rockstar Harry

Rockstar Harry

Harry Hains was one of a kind.

I had the opportunity to work with him last summer. What a whirlwind! I worked with him every week for 8 weeks and each week we had different shoot concepts and locations.  Harry was gentle, kind and very generous. I never really got close to him but when he is in front of my camera, we connected. I literally just followed him and he created his own world when we were shooting. Harry embraced his androgynous side and he was out and proud gender non-conforming individual. That was one of things that I was so proud to work with him. He didn’t care about the mainstream. He was all about breaking the rules and letting everything hang out with no excuses. He was not afraid of anything! I respected that about him. He didn’t care about what others thought of him. He cared about his art and his music. And whatever it took for him to get it . . . well, he would fight tooth and nail! RESPECT!!!

Sometimes it was stressful but when we do finally shoot, somehow, it all worked out and the images speaks for itself.   Yes, he’s very photogenic and knew his angle and light . . . he knew what works with him and what doesn’t.  One of the very first session that we shot was at the makeup artists house in Silverlake and I was super nervous because I’ve never met Harry.  Of course, I introduced myself and I briefed him on what I want, shot wise and he went on board right away.  Ahhh . . . for a client to agree with you with your concept, that was when I knew we will get along. He trusted me.  We both worked in fashion, so we knew how to work efficient and quick. I mean, I never doubted that with him . . . and like clockwork, we did 7 looks in a couple of hours; mind you, we did location as well.  Harry is very lovable and full of ideas . . . I just let him create his world and I’m just there to document it. I don’t interfere with his process — I’m just on board for the ride.


Sultry Harry

I love love working with him.  Even though at times, it’s really trying and difficult, for some miraculous reason, Harry will pull the shoot off.  I mean, it helps that the team that he had, makeup/hair, Chanel and stylist Simona was there to made him so beautiful and supported me with the process, when it was time to work, we all hunkered down and bang out the looks that needed to be shot that day. Every week for 8 weeks, we did a shoot and let’s just say, each shoot day was never boring! Harry entertained us with his humor and stories of Hollywood life.

Harry at his Beverly Hills rooftop

Harry at his Beverly Hills rooftop

I know, there’s an elephant in the room. I really am not here to discuss Harry’s death. When I heard of his passing, I was truly shocked and horrified. I don’t want to discuss the details of his death. Instead I want to celebrate a man who was talented in all the things he set his mind on and how passionate he was to his music.  I want to write about my experience with him and how grateful I am that he chose me to be a part of his project; The Antiboy.  I am very proud of the work that we did and I hope that he is happy wherever he is. 

Check out my Instagram for more images of Harry.